Emily to Thea
Somewhere in S.A.
Thea Dear,
Hiya, how you, what's the weather like back in Tara, cold enough for ya, bla bla, why dont you write me? Am I pissed? (figurativley speaking of course, tho we did manage to score some — interesting — camel juice last week from the transport jockeys, what a war) Yes I A*M pissed cause here it is going on two months I've been in this armpit of the byond and what do I hear from my best friend and thesis advisor? (note order) Diddly F. Shit is what. For shame.
I mean there you are Professor of Rehtoric and you can't get it together to write so much as a Hope your having fun, We're behind you all the way, Give peace a chance, Check out this shit, Dear John, whatever.
Where's my goddam letter?