Envax Scamdee
"Dr. Macarthur will be interfacing with our latest prototype Neuro-Verbal Analog Conversion System (NVACS), or as the press insist on calling it, the 'dream processor.' Tonight's session represents our first opportunity to run on the new Ohno-Sendak Superchaotic Analog Matrix Device (SCAMD) with enhanced fuzzy logic. As you will see, the unique capabilities of this platform allow us to expand significantly the scope of our research."
Urquhart cracked his knuckles tentatively, peering up the table at Tate. The Provost's expression was unreadable. Was he amused, bemused, bored? Urquhart decided it didn't matter.
"Our time on the SCAMD was provided by DARPA's Behavioral Science Division after the helpful intervention of Provost Tate."
There was brief, decorous applause.