Mirrors on the Ceiling

"Mirrors and copulation," Amanda lamented. "I mean, please."

"Did you guys skip ahead to the Sade reading," Macarthur wondered, "or am I missing something in this text?"

"Borges was a pervert wanker," Jude accused. "He liked to watch."

"How's that?" Macarthur wondered, seriously perplexed by now. It occurred to him that sitting in on this seminar was not exactly the small favor Urquhart said it would be.

"Or maybe he didn't," Amanda amended. Seeing Macarthur was in real difficulties, she decided to make an extra effort. "It's in that Orbis Tertius story," she explained. "Borges has this dude say that mirrors and copulation are abominable because both increase the number of men. How could it get any plainer?"