Story of Your Career
It took them about an hour to get around to the facts of the case. For a while they just sat on Urquhart's terrace looking down on the East Main drag, watching the non-students straggle down to Hassenfuss' Deli for angst and cappucino. Urquhart cut open a canteloupe and together they stared at it.
"I talked to Fitzmaurice," Harley said finally. This was his executive producer in Atlanta. "I told him hell no I won't go."
A big grackle fluttered onto the breakfast table and helped them stare down the melon. Urquhart sighed. "This is of course the story of your career." He heard what he had said. "In both senses."
Harley spread his hands. "What choice did I have? They canceled 'Bounty of Shame.' They said Desert Shield made it temporarily irrelevant."