The General

My company commander about had a shitfit the other day because the Supreme Honcho himself came by the shop on some kind of morale tour. I got to stand right across the room from him, Stormin' Norman, the only man I've ever seen who actually looks bigger in person than he does on the Tube. OK accuse me of closet fascism but I have to admit I was impresssed, and its not just the grunt-meets-general kind of thing. And it wasn't just the man either tho for a fat ugly old white boy he does have a sort of shall we say animal magnetism. If you like real big animals.

The thing is, Schwarzkopf IS Desert Shield. He's big and he's old and he's mean and he means business. He's the Great White Hope, or maybe the Revenge of the White Man's Burden. You stand there and he tells you all the usual crap about how important is our mission to keep the troops in touch with the folks back home (guilty yet?). But there's a difference.