
Jude Busch was wise to all sorts of local jive. After six and a half undergraduate years at the University of Tara she had picked up a few inside moves. For instance, when dealing with the more erratic members of the faculty, especially in Mathematics, Computer Science, or lord help us Virtual Studies, you had to remember the old day-for-night play. Come by during the official oracle hours and you'd find the lights on okay, but most likely behind a locked door with a suspiciously washed-out note taped to it saying something like, "Gone for Coffee," "Emergency Research in Progress," "Back in [illegible]," sometimes all of the above.

If you really had to get into the Presence, what you did was show up in the dead of night. Often as not you'd find the lights off and no one apparently home, but if you just knocked firmly while uttering the magic words Campus Police, why it was as good as a skeleton key.

Worked this time anyway.